
About us

The European Motion Picture Association (EURMPA) was created with the idea of providing a centralized news & resource network for industry professional.

Since its re-formation in 2008, the EURMPA slowly formed into a network of industry professionals from private-sector film-makers, governmental institutions and experts in the film and media industry.

Beginning as a modest network with a global vision, in 2012 we are developing into an extraordinary European organization.


Mission Statement

Our mission is to disseminate news and relevant industry information as well as combine European and International resources together in a united network of industry professionals for film, media & entertainment.

We provide news related information to support the decision making process as well as give members access to quality approved local professionals and support the collaborative, creative and informational process within all participants.



1. Disseminate information and news not primarily intended for commercial entertainment or advertising. 

2. Act as Central Resource base in Europe with a network of global reprentatives who gather news.

3. Provide resources and information online for cultural activities, film, media and entertainment related news.

4. Connect the local and international communities. 

5. Cooperate with industry experts who support our agenda.

7. Run a reliable & trusted network and partnerships gather information.

8. Provide easy and fast access to industry professional.

7. Establish alliances & collaborations to disseminate industry  information. 


Value Proposition

“The European Motion Picture Association provides an All-In-One information and resource network for the film & digital media community in local and global markets to simplify the access to local and international industries."


3 Main Benefits

.) Convenience of getting industry related news and resources in one place.

.) Provides industry professionals our news dissemination system within our well recognized and respected network.

.) Provide access to industry experts, speakers, lawyers and other industry related professionals.


Our Philosophy

1.We are diplomatic and respectful in what we do.
2.We think global for the greater good.
3.We are open minded and collaborate with all our members.